Prof. Fabio BIONDINI

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano

Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milan, Italy





Advisoring Activity


Research Fellows and Associates | Research Scholarships and Visiting Scholars | Ph.D. Candidates | Post-Graduate and Master Students



Research Fellows (*)



Research Project


Luca Capacci

Maintenance and management of structures and infrastructures: Life-cycle reliability, robustness, and resilience of bridges and bridge networks


(*) Sponsored and supervised (R.T.D. Junior)



Research Associates (#)



Research Project


Mattia Anghileri

Life-cycle safety and robustness of bridges and infrastructure networks



Luca Capacci

Life-cycle resilience of bridges and infrastructure networks



Silvia Bianchi

Condition state and residual lifetime assessment of bridges and viaducts



Andrea Titi

Probabilistic lifetime assessment of concrete structures in seismic areas



Bruno Dal Lago

Seismic performance of precast structures with dissipative cladding panel connections


(#) Sponsored and supervised.



Research Scholarships (#)



Research Project


Giuseppe Nava

Nonlinear structural analysis of RC/PC bridges under corrosion



Leila Jafari

Time-variant structural reliability, robustness and resilience of bridges and road networks


(#) Sponsored and supervised.



Ph.D. Students

Year (*)


Thesis Title

In progress

Adriano D'Iorio

Life-cycle seismic reliability and residual lifetime of RC/PC bridges under corrosion

In progress

Chihiro Yoshii

Monitoring-based life-cycle performance prediction of bridges exposed to multiple hazards

In progress

Zhibin Wang

Optimum life-cycle management of deteriorating bridges

In progress

Lorenzo Casti

Semi-probabilistic assessment of existing urban structures under climate change

MSCA-COFUND-CLEAR-Doc Program, Universite' Gustave Eiffel, Paris, France

Co-advised with Prof. Franziska Schmidt

In progress

Francesco Marino

Life-cycle structural safety and robustness of RC/PC bridges under corrosion

In progress

Enrique D. Ibarra

Structural modeling and information processing for life-cycle reliability assessment of aging bridges

In progress

Sicong Xie

Climate change effects on life-cycle performance of deteriorating structural systems

In progress

Davide Valoti

Condition state assessment of RC/PC bridges and viaducts

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program, Co-advised with Prof. Maddalena Carsana

In progress

Ruiqi Luo

Structural health monitoring of cable-stayed bridges


Mattia Anghileri

Life-cycle performance of RC/PC bridges under corrosion: Computational modeling and experimental validation


Luca Capacci

Life-cycle seismic resilience of aging bridges and infrastructure networks

Giuseppe Grandori Ph.D. Thesis Award in "Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Risk", Politecnico di Milano, 2022.

WCEE Early Career Award, 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Sendai, Japan, October 2nd, 2021.


Silvia Bianchi

Life-cycle assessment of deteriorating RC structures using artificial neural networks


Bruno Dal Lago

Seismic performance of precast structures with dissipative cladding panel connections

fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers (AAYE), Special Mention. Awarded by the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib). Presented at the fib Symposium 2017, Maastricht, Belgium, June 12, 2017.


Elena Camnasio

Lifetime performance and seismic resilience of concrete structures exposed to corrosion


Andrea Titi

Lifetime probabilistic seismic assessment of multi-story precast buildings


Paola Limonta

Structural robustness of deteriorating systems

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


Roberta Stucchi

Optimal maintenance planning of structures in aggressive environments

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)

(*) Thesis Defense.



Visiting Scholars



Affiliation and Role

Nov. 2021

Nov. 2022

Rongxin Peng

Ph.D. Candidate

Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

Sept. 2021

March 2022

Chihiro Yoshii

M.Sc. Student

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

June 2021

June 2022

Yachao Tang

Ph.D. Candidate

Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

May 2021

May 2022

Leila Jafari

Ph.D. Candidate

University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

Jan. 2020

Jan. 2021

Mehmet F. Yilmaz

Assistant Professor

Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey

Dec. 2019

Yongtao Bai

Associate Professor

Xi'an Jaotong Technical University, Xi'an, China | Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Germany

July 2018

Jan. 2019

Sina Heyrani

Ph.D. Candidate

Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

Feb. 2018

Feb. 2019

Wang Guanglin

Ph.D. Candidate and Lecturer

Dalian University, Dalian, China

Feb. 2018

Feb. 2019

Chen Xin

Ph.D. Candidate and Lecturer

Shenyang-Jianzhu University, Shenyang, China

Sep. 2017

Oct. 2018

Hu Cheng

Ph.D. Candidate

Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

April 2015

Aug. 2015

Luis Montoya

Ph.D. Candidate

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona, Spain

Feb. 2015

Enson Portela

Ph.D. Candidate

University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Jan. 2012

Aug. 2012

Ehsan Mohtashami

Ph.D. Candidate

Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran

Jan. 2010

June 2011

Tu Xi

Ph.D. Candidate

Tongji University, Shanghai, China



Post-Graduate and Master's Students

Year (*)


Thesis Title

In progress

M. Montone

Cable corrosion models for life-cycle assessment of cable-supported bridges

In progress

L. Lal

Damage modeling and nonlinear analysis of prestressed concrete bridges under corrosion

In progress

X. Ning

Surrogate models for life-cycle structural reliability assessment and seismic risk analysis

In progress

C. Libardi

Bridge information modeling and digital twins

In progress

F. Maiorana

Variance reduction techniques and importance sampling for life-cycle reliability analysis

In progress

F. Cosentino

Multi-hazard risk analysis and prioritization of bridges and infrastructure road networks


G.V. Nava

Effect of climate change on life-cycle reliability of concrete structures under corrosion


E. Micheli

Hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete structures under corrosion (Report)


A.M. Agredo

On-site measurements and structural modeling for residual prestressing assessment: The Kalix bridge (Report)

Co-Advised with Prof. Gabriel Sas, Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, Sweden


J.D. Oviedo

On structural analysis and monitoring of cable-stayed bridges

Alberto Giovannini Award for "Innovation and Digitalization in Infrastructures".

Awarded by Webuild S.p.A. to young M.Sc. graduate or near-to graduate students.


T. Lu

Condition rating of bridge components using machine learning methods (Report)


S. Kashkooli

Cellular automata for diffusion analysis and corrosion modeling in concrete structures (Report)


C.D. Bonilla

I.C. Cotes Prieto

Time-variant collapse analysis and failure times of deteriorating structures (Report)


N.A. Le Noir

Structural reliability analysis under aleatory and epistemic uncertainties


F. Padovani

Advanced simulation methods for life-cycle seismic assessment of RC bridges


N. Santocchi

Shear-flexural beam finite element for nonlinear analysis of concrete structures


I. De Giorgio

Damage identification and structural assessment of an existing bridge (Report)

Co-Advised with Prof. Eleni Chatzi, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland


C. Giovani

Probabilistic robustness assessment of deteriorating structures


R. Guarrera

Multi-objective prioritization for life-cycle management of bridge networks


C. Caleffi

Optimal location of sensors for structural monitoring of deteriorating grillage bridge decks


A. D'Iorio

Lifetime vulnerability of code-conforming RC viaducts under corrosion


M. Restrepo

Life-cycle structural reliability assessment based on stochastic finite element methods (Report)


F. Rota

Il sistema di monitoraggio strutturale del ponte Storstrom (Tesina)

Structural monitoring system of the Storstrom bridge (Report)


C.M. Ascunce

Seismic vulnerability and risk assessment of code-conforming highway bridges in Italy

Giuseppe Grandori M.Sc. Thesis Award in "Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Risk"

Politecnico di Milano, 2022


A.E. Moja

Information updating in reliability assessment of bridges and bridge networks


L. Casti

Life-cycle reliability of aging structures under climate change


R. Sciuto

Automatic generation of Strut-and-Tie models in RC elements using load paths


E. Bahadir

Nonlinear analysis of deteriorating RC shells


T. Bonsembiante

Robustness assessment of deteriorating systems using interval analysis (Report)


G. Giacalone

Valutazione strutturale di ponti e viadotti mediante reti neurali

Bridge structural assessment using neural networks


S. Tronci

Seismic risk assessment of long-span precast industrial buildings


T. Berkovitch

Design of a new road bridge over the Rhine river in Eglisau, Switzerland (Report)


M.M. Messore

Life-cycle cost-based risk assessment of aging bridge networks

Giuseppe Grandori MSc. Thesis Award in "Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Risk"

Politecnico di Milano, 2021


K. Gajera

Seismic risk assessment of precast frame structures with cladding panels


M. Fazeli

Optimum prestressing in circular cylindrical tanks


M. Anghileri

D. Colmenares

Damage modelling and multi-objective optimization for robustness assessment of deteriorating structural systems


C. Manni

Valutazione dello stato di conservazione di ponti e viadotti mediante reti neurali

Structural condition assessment of bridges and viaducts by means of neural networks


N. Akkamis

Cost-based recovery process optimization of resilient bridge networks under seismic hazards


M.V. Falconi

Post-earthquake repair strategies and functionality recovery profiles of damaged bridges


P. Palomo

Life-cycle seismic risk assessment of aging bridges and road transportation networks


L. Rossi

Structural analysis of cable-stayed bridges under cable corrosion damage


F. Monachello

J.S. Garcia

BEF element with rigid joints and lumped elasticity for structural analysis of axisymmetric shells with ring beams


M. Capalbo

Structural integrity and robustness of deteriorating systems


A. Rodriguez

F. Sanchez

Reliability analysis of deteriorating structures


L. Capacci

Seismic resilience of bridge networks


S. Bianchi

G. Marelli

Evolutionary structural optimization of dissipative connectors for precast structures


E. Bargues

Beam finite element for nonlinear analysis of floating structures


V. Di Silvestri

Lifetime robustness and seismic performance of concrete structures exposed to corrosion


I. Mendola

Misura della resilienza di strutture soggette a degrado

Measure of resilience of structures subject to damage


V. Persico

Ruolo delle unioni pilastro-fondazione nella risposta sismica di strutture prefabbricate

Role of column-foundation joints in the seismic response of precast structures


G. Bartoli

L. Dartizio

Analisi non lineare di strutture in calcestruzzo rinforzate con FRP

Nonlinear analysis of concrete structures strengthened with FRP


P. Ciuffarin

Tracciamento dei percorsi di carico e ottimizzazione evolutiva di modelli strut-and-tie

Load path analysis and evolutionary optimization of strut-and-tie models


M. Vergani

Modellazione del degrado in strutture in calcestruzzo armato soggette a corrosione

Damage modeling in concrete structures exposed to corrosion

AICAP Award "Brunello Sarno". Awarded by the Italian Association for Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete (AICAP). Presented at the AICAP Congress 2011, Padua, Italy, May 19, 2011.


E. Altomare

Analisi sismica di strutture in calcestruzzo soggette a degrado

Seismic analysis of deteriorated concrete structures

(Co-advised with Dr. Alessandro Palermo)


N. De Mare

Un elemento finito di trave per l'analisi non lineare di strutture rinforzate con FRP

A finite beam element for the nonlinear analysis of structures strengthened with FRP


E. Camnasio

Sul progetto ottimale di ponti in zona sismica

On the optimal design of bridges in seismic areas

(Co-advised with Dr. Alessandro Palermo)


A.J. Torii

The role of self weight and loading conditions in optimization of truss structures

Post-Graduate Thesis, Master School for Concrete Structures


L. Corradini

Effetti della temperatura nell'analisi limite di strutture in calcestruzzo armato soggette ad incendio

Effects of temperature in the limit analysis of concrete structures under fire


E. Famoso

Procedure evolutive per l'ottimizzazione di modelli strut-and-tie

Evolutionary procedures for optimization of strut-and-tie models


G. Zani

Ottimizzazione multiobiettivo di strutture soggette a degrado

Multiobjective optimization of structures undergoing damage


L. Assinnata

Formulazione di un elemento di trave tridimensionale per l'analisi nel tempo di strutture in calcestruzzo armato soggette a degrado

Formulation of a three-dimensional beam element for the analysis over time of reinforced concrete structures subjected to damage


S. Restelli

Misura della robustezza strutturale di sistemi soggetti a degrado

Measure of structural robustness of systems under damage


D. Diana

Analisi non lineare di strutture a guscio in calcestruzzo armato

Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete shell structures


L. Alfieri

D. Bassi

Una procedura per l'ottimizzazione evolutiva della morfologia strutturale

A procedure for the evolutionary optimization of the structural morphology


S. Mangano

Generazione automatica di modelli strut-and-tie in elementi di calcestruzzo armato

Automatic generation of strut-and-tie models in reinforced concrete elements


C. Pozzoli

Analisi limite e progetto ottimale di lastre in calcestruzzo armato

Limit analysis and optimal design of reinforced concrete membrane elements


A. Nero

Analisi non lineare di strutture in calcestruzzo armato soggette ad incendio

Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete structures under fire


E. Riboldi

Ottimizzazione strutturale multiobiettivo mediante algoritmi genetici

Multiobjective structural optimization by using genetic algorithms


R. Ciccardi

L. Consoli

Affidabilita' di sistemi strutturali soggetti a degrado

Reliability of structural systems undergoing damage

(Co-advised with Prof. Elsa Garavaglia)


L. Azzarello

Ottimizzazione di sistemi strutturali con prestazioni variabili nel tempo

Optimization of structural systems with time-variant performance


A. Malini

Analisi della robustezza strutturale di sistemi intelaiati

Evaluation of the structural robustness of frame systems


M. Martignoni

Metodi analitici e numerici per lo studio dell'interazione veicolo-struttura nei ponti ferroviari

Numerical and analytical methods for studying the vehicle-structure interaction in railway bridges


F. Bontempi

F. Capsoni

Un cassone multicellulare sommerso a supporto di paratie mobili per la protezione lagunare

A submerged multicellular caisson for mobile high water defense barriers

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


D. Volpe

Ottimizzazione della precompressione in strutture intelaiate (Tesina)

Optmization of prestressing in framed structures (Report)


S. Brusoni

Definizione della tipologia strutturale mediante reti neurali

Definition of the structural typology by using neural networks

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


M. Medizza

Ottimizzazione strutturale di ponti costruiti in avanzamento

Structural optimization of segmental launched bridges

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


M. Sartori

Analisi per strisce finite della stabilita' di strutture a folded plates

Finite strip stability analysis of folded plate structures

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


M. Di Domizio

Analisi non lineare in grandi spostamenti e deformazioni di strutture strallate e sospese

Nonlinear analysis with large displacements and large strains of cable-supported structures

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


S. Boiocchi

A. Marchiondelli

Natura e Progetto: le procedure evolutive nell'ottimizzazione dei sistemi strutturali

Design and Nature: evolutionary procedures in the optimization of structural systems

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


F. Minazzi

Analisi limite e ottimizzazione di piastre in calcestruzzo armato

Limit analysis and optimization of reinforced concrete plates

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


M. Maiocchi

Analisi strutturale a logica fuzzy e misura della sicurezza in presenza di incertezze

Fuzzy structural analysis and safety measure under uncertainty

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


C. Ardigo'

S. Motta

Analisi della durabilita' di strutture in calcestruzzo armato soggette all'azione diffusiva di agenti aggressivi

Durability analysis of reinforced concrete structures under diffusive attack of aggressive agents

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


C. Malerba

Modellazione di elementi strutturali in cemento armato mediante il Tension Chord Model (Tesina)

Modeling of reinforced concrete elements through the Tension Chord Model (Report)

(Co-advised with Prof. Sergio Tattoni)


A. Bergamini

Ottimizzazione di strutture a folded plates

Optimization of folded plate structures

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba)


M. Gambini

Identificazione ed ottimizzazione di schemi strutturali mediante procedure di tipo evolutivo

Definition and optimization of structural schemes by means of evolutionary procedures

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba and Prof. Franco Bontempi)


A. Baseggio

Una tecnica evolutiva per l'ottimizzazione di strutture in stato piano di sforzo (Tesina)

An evolutionary procedure for structural optimization in plane stress (Report)

(Co-advised with Prof. Pier Giorgio Malerba and Prof. Franco Bontempi)


S. Guarino

Progetto di un serbatoio sopraelevato (Tesina)

Design of an elevated tank (Report)

(Co-advised with Prof. Francesco Martinez y Cabrera)

(*) Thesis Defense.


Last Update: February 2023